Chenlei Lv/吕辰雷

Chenlei Lv
Researchgate Link
Email: aliexken at 163 dot com

I am currently an Assistant Professor in the VCC Lab at Shenzhen University. Before that, I got my Phd from Beijing Normal University (2019), supervised by A.P. Xin Zheng and Prof. Zhongke Wu. Then, I began my postdoctoral research work (2019~2022) at Nanyang Technological University, supervised by Prof. Weisi Lin (IEEE Fellow).
My interests include Geometric Analysis of Mathmatic, Computer Graphic, 3D Vision, etc. I have published several papers for face recognition, face classification, face modeling, shape analsyis, 3D point cloud and mesh processing. Recently, I am working for point cloud-based semantic analysis and urban scene reconstruction.


  • [News] Sep, 2024 - I strat to host a project of "GuangDong High-Level Young Talent Special Support Program"
  • [News] Sep, 2024 - A paper, "PCAlign: A General Data Augmentation Framework for Point Clouds", is accepted by Scientific Reports, 2024. Congratulations, Zhang Dan!

Funding Programs(基金项目)

  • 广东省青年拔尖人才项目: 城市数据语义解析研究, 2024-2027(主持)
  • 海外博士后人才引进项目: 深度内蕴网络理论研究,2024-2027(主持)
  • 广东省粤深联合青年基金项目: 城市三维场景重建, 2023-2026(主持)
  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 基于共形结构与最优传输的颅骨身份认证, 2022-2025(参与)
  • 新加坡教育部Tier1项目: LiDAR Depth Map Quality Assessment & Improvement, 2021-2023(参与)
  • 新加坡教育部Tier2项目: Significance-based Large-Scale 3D Point Cloud Compression and Management, 2016-2020(参与)
  • 国家重点研发项目子课题: 语义一致的复杂场景高效编辑合成与组织, 2017-2021(参与)
  • 国家重点研发国际合作专项: 高性能计算中大规模医学影像处理方法研究, 2017-2020(参与)
  • 北京市自然科学基金面上项目: 人群脑血管Willis环模型协同分割研究, 2017-2019(参与)
  • Academic Services(学术服务)


  • ACM Trans. on Graphics/SIGGRAGH/SIGGRAGH Asia
  • IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
  • IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
  • IEEE Trans. on Multimedia
  • IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
  • Computer-Aided Design
  • Pattern Recognition
  • The Visual Computing
  • Neurocomputing
  • Knowledge-based System
  • Computers & Graphics-UK
  • Geometric Modeling and Processing
  • International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
  • Learning on Graphs Conference
  • Program Committees

  • Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo 2023 (Area Chair)
  • Computational Visual Media Conf. 2023 (Session Chair)
  • Professional Societies

  • IEEE Member
  • ACM Member
  • AG (AsiaGraphics) Member
  • CSIG (China Society of Image and Graphics) Member
  • CCF CAD/CG Committee Member
  • CSIG Intelligent Graphics Committee Member
  • Lessons


    Chenlei Lv

    Welcome to contact me.
    I am looking for cooperation in the following areas.

  • 3D Shape Retrival in a large 3D model databases. (Rigid or Non-rigid)
  • 3D Face Recognition, Classification, Expression Analsyis, and Face Modeling.
  • Automatically Indoor Modeling System by Multimodal Input. (Voice, Sketch, or Hand Touch)
  • Point Cloud Processing for single object or large scale data
  • Any challaging research works in the fields of CG, CV or AI.
  • The template of the website reference Angel